The Support System

DID system of...quite a fewFictive heavy with multiple mental health hiatuses, please be patientPersonal posts go on Tumblr, and drawings go on Twitter
Mostly active on Discord
(Mutuals and friends only)
About Members: Non-Fictives | FictivesLast Updated: 27 April, 2024


Neiro - they/them (it/its - friends) - 16
Loves internet memes, making jokes, and (mis)using slang
Talks a lot
Extremely sensitive

Nathaniel - he/him - 24
Does not do casual talking or small talk anymore
Mostly does damage control for the persecutors and takes care of the syskids
Curses a lot
Mutual hatred of Harlow (Referred to as: "Tyrant")

Zenith - she/her - 18
Rare fronter; likes speaking to friends who are universally trusted
Very sensitive
She likes to listen to people

Sterling - he/him
A British crow with a human appearance, who loves his fellow birds and Nathaniel
He loves princesses and wants to be a princess
Loves bird jokes and letsplayers

FixAn 「海坊主」(Umibouzu), a youkai-like creature in appearance
Sometimes takes the appearance of a dog-like thing

Montblanc - they/them
Weird. Really weird
Loves writing poetry as well as reading poetry made by others
Not sad, just thinks a lot

"Fernando Campos" (Fern) - he/him - 21
Uses Translator App to talk to others; knows only basic greetings in English
Horrifically shy toward everyone, even friends
Loves talking about his favorite character and his pets

Mimi - she/her
Likes that one Nier Automata music box melody
Would probably spit her gum on your shoes then say sorry
Important: "Life is pain, I hate"

Merri - she/her

Harlow/Maro/Empty - they/them (he/him - friends)
Tabula rasa AI who adapts to the speech patterns of whoever is talking
Otherwise, pretty indiscriminately mean
Only talks about self when asked in conversation
Mutual hatred of Nathaniel (Referred to as: "Heretic")
Important: "Call me Maro and I will cut you"

Marcel/Harvey - They/them
A version of the host that hates all organic life
Often pretends to be the host to sabotage relationships, but everyone knows and plays along
Either horribly cruel or smothering with "love", no in-between

暴君 (Despot (Unnamed)) - they/them (he/him - friends) - 14
Basically Harlow, except completely different. Just plain mean
Random chance they do not like being referred to as a child, flip a coin before interacting

Kei - They/Them
Kei doesn't exist
Part of the suicide pact

Real About Page | Back | Fictives


Goro Akechi - he/him & they/them - 16-18
Fictive from Persona 5/Persona 5 Royal
Age slider
Doesn't like his source too much
He tends to interrogate people

Takuto Maruki - he/him - Middle age...?
Fictive from Persona 5 Royal
He rambles about things he's passionate about. Overall, just really cheerful

Seiji - he/him - 21
Very quiet and soft-spoken. If you can figure out his source, you can talk to him about it
Important: "Please keep calling me 'The Ghibli guy'. It's kind of funny. I like it."

Mammon - he/him
"Carbon copy" fictive from Obey Me!
Very outgoing
Friendly and will talk to literally anyone
Fronts usually to talk to friends
Please don't be gross to him or try to be romantic/make weird jokes unless we know you well

Satan - he/him
Fictive from Obey Me!
Mostly speaks and types in Japanese
Helps mediate internal conflicts and calms down trauma holders, and is a voice of reason
Gets tired quickly, so rarely fronts
Ditto with the romantic/gross thing
Important: "Don't waste my time."

南华 (CH)/南華(JP) (Nanhua) - he/him
Fictive from Crash Fever
Hates humans and refuses to talk to them unless absolutely necessary
Takes pride in only having "one friend"

"Piyoshi"/"Pyo" - he/him

Snow White's Apple - she/her
Fictive from Lobotomy Corporation. A princess
Is seeking redemption
Best friends with Mammon

Towa - does not use pronouns
Towa hates Towa's source
Please do not speak to Towa unless you are, or enjoy, art
Towa cares about nothing but art

Simone - ???/???
Fictive from NieR:Automata
A disembodied voice in headspace

Real About Page | Back | Non-Fictives

Welcome to the About page!

- A DID system of about 25
- We really like to draw and talk to friends
- Collectively, we identify as panromantic
- We use both American English and British English
- Stuck

We (host included, Nathaniel and some fictives excluded!) tend to talk a lot to close friends and go on a lot of tangents!
Please let us know if we've been talking for too much! Usually we're not aware!
We're usually pretty good with remembering triggers; if we miss or forget something, please let us know!

Private Tweet site is for close friends only (Mutual status don't matter to us)
Extremely active with mostly rambles and doodles/unfinished WIPs...

Thank you for reading! Have a nice day/night!

What we like/Fandoms:
(*Bold is collective!)

- *RPGMaker games!
(Penpals, 「獄都事変」, みやのさんのゲーム, Pumpkin Noir, etc...)
- Everhood
- Starbound
- Hunter x Hunter
- *Five Nights at Freddy's games
- *Maghni AI, UTAU
- Serial Experiments Lain
- Silent Hill games
- Lobotomy Corporation
- Persona games
- Crash Fever
- Alice Fiction
- Hatoful Boyfriend (Anything touched by Moa tbh)
- Moral Philosophy
- *OC's (o////o) (Please tell us about your OC's, we think they're cool!)

Please DNF/DNI with us if:- You discriminate against marginalized identities
- You do not believe in dissociation
- You are an endogenic "system" or support them
- You support Funamusea
- You think supporting Palestine is "a trend" or "bandwagon"
We would also prefer to not be around people who would try to provoke our persecutors or fictives voluntarily

!! Please tag !!

- Big dogs
- Images of and voice of Hatsune Miku
- The number 23 (Trying to get over this one)
If we follow you first, you do not have to tag things!